Friday, April 17, 2015


El Filibusterismo also known by its English alternate title "The Reign Of Creed", is the second novel written by Philippine national hero Jose Rizal (1861-1896). it is the sequel of Noli me tangere. The "Fili" was written in castilian while Rizal was traveling and studying in Europe. It was published in 1891 in Ghent, Belgium. and later translated into English, German, French, Japanese, Tagalog, Ilonggo, and other languages.


After leaving the Philippines Crisostomo Ibarra is back as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. He seems to have long abandoned his once vision of ending the despotism of Spain with words and peace. Hebecomes hungry for vengeance for all the misfortune our country has suffered under the tyranny of the Spaniards. Simoun insinuates himself in Manila high society and influences every decision of the Captain-General to mismanage the country's affairs so that a revolution will break out. Simoun is a friend of Spain. However deep in his heart, he is secretly cherishing a terrible revenge against the Spanish authorities. Simoun has (2) reasons for instigating a revolution. First is to rescue Maria Clara from the nunnery of Santa Clara and second to git rid of ills and evils of philippine society. His true identity was discovered by Basilio while visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa. While Simon was digging near the grave site of his buried treasures. At that time Simoun spares Basilio's life and ask him to join in his planned revolution against the government telling him the tragic misfortune of the latter's family. Basilio declines the offer for he still hopes that the countries condition will improve.

           Basilio, at this point, is a graduating student of medicine at Ateneo Muncipal de Manila. After the death of his mother Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother Crispin, Basilio headed the advice of the dying boatman, Elias, and traveled to Manila to study. Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after Maria Clara entered the convent. With the help of Captain Tiago, Basilio was able to go to Colegio de San Juan de Letran where at first sight he is frowned upon by his peers and teachers not only because of the color of the skin but also because of the shabby appearance.

            Simoun, a man of wealth and mystery, is a very close friend and confidante of the Spanish governor general. Because of his great influence in Malacañang, he was called the “Brown Cardinal” or the “Black Eminence”. By using his wealth and political influence, he encourages corruption in the government, promotes the oppression of the masses, and hastens the moral degradation of the country so that the people may become desperate and fight. He smuggles arms into the country with the help of a rich Chinese merchant, Quiroga, who wants very much to be Chinese consul of Manila. His first attempt to begin the armed uprising did not materialize because at the last hour he hears the sad news that Maria Clara died in the nunnery. In his agonizing moment of bereavement, he did not give the signal for the outbreak of hostilities.

          After a long time of illness brought about by the bitter loss of Maria Clara, Simoun perfects his plan to overthrow the government. On the occasion of the wedding of Paulita Gomez and Juanito Pelaez, he gives a wedding gift to them a beautiful lamp. Only he and his confidential associates, Basilio (Sisa’s son who joined his revolutionary cause), know that when the wick of his lamp burns lower the nitroglycerine, hidden in its secret compartment, will explode, destroying the house where the wedding feast is going to be held killing all the guests, including the governor general, the friars, and the government officials. Simultaneously, all the government buildings in Manila will be blown by Simoun’s followers.

         As the wedding feast begins, the poet Isagani, who has been rejected by Paulita because of his liberal ideas, is standing outside the house, watching sorrowfully the merriment inside. Basilio, his friend, warns him to go away because the lightened lamp will soon explode. Upon hearing the secret of the lamp Isagani realizes that his beloved Paulita is in danger he hurriedly run into the house and seizes the lightened lamp and throw into the river, where the lamp explode.

        After that incident. Simoun, was cornered by soldiers, but he escaped mortally wounded and exhausted. He seeks shelter at the house of father Florentino, Isagani's uncle, and comes under the care of Doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña, Doña Victorinas husband, who was hiding at the house. Simoun takes poison in order for him to be not arrested alive. When Simoun is dying, he confess his real identity to Father Florentino, his plan to use his wealth for his revenge, and his evil aim to destroy his friend and enemies. and he also told Father Florentino the reason why God forsook him. But Father Florentino said that God did not forsake him and that his plan were not for the greater good but for personal gain. Telling Simoun that freedom cannot be won by violence and the shedding of innocent blood but by proper education, hard work, and long suffering. Simoun Finally accept the explanation of Father Florentino, squeezes his hand and dies.

         Watching Simoun die peacefully with a clear conscience and at peace with God. Padre Florentino falls upon his knees and prays for the dead jeweler. Father Florentino then take all the remaining Jewels (Treasure Chest) and throw it into the Pacific Ocean with the corals hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and that when the time came that it would be used for the greater good, when the nation would be finally deserving liberty for themselves, the sea would reveal the treasures.